Top 3 Cheapest Colleges by Acceptance Rates

Female graduate student holding diploma representing cheapest colleges by acceptance rates

Female graduate student holding diploma representing cheapest colleges by acceptance rates(See list of cheapest colleges by acceptance rates at end of post.) Budget, affordable, bargain, best value are all different ways at getting at what are the cheapest colleges in the United States? There are multiple options you can use as the number to rank colleges to determine which is the most affordable. More on that later. And some lists will actually divide schools up by geography which can be useful. But do you know what is the most useful way to classify value colleges regardless of how you define value? Acceptance rates.

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9 Steps to Figure Out Your Chances of Getting a College Athletic Scholarship

Student in front of chalkboard with equations representing how to estimate odds of an athletic scholarship

girl with equation to calculate chances of getting a college athletic scholarshipIt would be nice if there was a formula somewhere that high school players could use to calculate their odds of getting an athletic scholarship. All they would have to do is to enter their stats, maybe their high school or club teams, and the formula would tell them their chances and even indicate how much of a scholarship to expect! Wouldn’t that be nice?

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3 Reasons Why Your Kid’s Good Grades Won’t Pay for College

apple and black board representing why good grades get academic scholarships to pay for college

apple and chalkboard representing good grades won't get you a great scholarshipMost people know that good grades will get you into college. And maybe if they’re good enough (along with an appropriate essay and the right extracurriculars and recommendations), they might get you into your dream or reach college. But while good grades may get you into your dream college, chances are they won’t pay for it with academic scholarships. This often comes as a surprise to students and their families but it really shouldn’t. There are 3 common situations where students aren’t going to qualify for enough academic scholarships to pay for college.

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Reality Check Part 2: What to do to Play College Baseball

baseball on field representing what you need to do to play college baseball

baseball on field representing actions required to play college baseball Hopefully, the previous post demonstrated that the chances of getting a scholarship to play college baseball aren’t very good. Sometimes I think parents talk about the baseball scholarship as a way to justify the amount of time and money their family is spending on baseball. Claiming that it’s all to pay for college is an easy and obvious excuse.

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The Complete Scholarship Guide: Everything You Need to Know

head of woman looking at scholarship written on a black board representing what are scholarships

head of woman looking at scholarship written on blackboard representing what are scholarships

Paying college with scholarships isn’t as simple as it sounds.

Let’s start with the definition, scholarships are simply free money for students to spend on their education. This basic definition includes scholarships awarded for pre-schools, dance classes, camps, and, of course, colleges. When you start asking what are scholarships in terms of paying for college, things don’t seem as simple any more. Now you have athletic scholarships, academic scholarships, and other various merit scholarships. And scholarships are just one kind of financial aid available for college so you probably need to have some understanding of how it differs from grants, loans, and work-study.  However, even as you wade through various definitions, essentially a scholarship is free money for students to spend on their education.

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