50-50 Highlights: Availability/Attendance of Colleges with High Graduation Rates by State

Perhaps you’ve seen some variation of this headline recently: “Most colleges students don’t graduate on time.” And maybe you’ve thought, “What’s the deal with college students these days?” and just left it at that. But what if the headline was “Most colleges fail to graduate students in 4 years?” Who are you thinking about now, … Read more

415 Colleges with at least 50% Acceptance Rates and 50% Graduation Rates

I’ve finally finished updating my list of 50-50 colleges. There’s nothing sophisticated about the 50-50 list, it’s simply a list of all colleges and universities that accept at least 50% of students and have at least a 50% graduation rate. That means that these are schools most students could get into and have a good … Read more

Top 3 Cheapest Colleges by Acceptance Rates

Female graduate student holding diploma representing cheapest colleges by acceptance rates

(See list of cheapest colleges by acceptance rates at end of post.) Budget, affordable, bargain, best value are all different ways at getting at what are the cheapest colleges in the United States? There are multiple options you can use as the number to rank colleges to determine which is the most affordable. More on … Read more

50-50 Highlights: Colleges with the Lowest Student Loan Default Rates

Piggy bank being crushed representing Colleges with the Lowest Student Loan Default Rate

Given that paying for a college education now rivals buying a house, it isn’t surprising the New York Fed reports that “Balances of student loans have eclipsed both auto loans and credit cards, making student loan debt the largest form of consumer debt outside of mortgages.” Faced with limited financial aid and the prospect of … Read more

What are college retention rates?

student in front of college asking waht are college retention rates

The college retention rate is the percentage of full-time students who return after their freshman year. The retention rate is not the same thing as the graduation rate. There may actually be significant differences between the two numbers. The retention rate will always be higher than the graduation rate which is why prospective college applicants … Read more

Guaranteed Tuition and 4 Year Graduation: Part 2

Guaranteed tuition programs are one way to save money although they probably have a greater effect at public colleges than private ones. The other guarantee program popping up with increasing frequency is a four-year college graduation guarantee. This means that if it takes you more than four years to graduate, the college will pay for … Read more