DIY College Rankings College Softball Recruiting Resources

This is a guide to the website resources for college softball recruiting. Spreadsheets DIY College Rankings Softball Spreadsheet Spreadsheet with over 1600 four and two-year institutions that have softball programs. College Application Tracking Spreadsheet (free) Spreadsheet to track your college application deadlines. Just sign-up for the up-dates using the box to the left. Posts

4 Things You Should Know Before You Contact College Coaches

A dog resembling a shar-pei lying down next to a telephone, with its head resting on the receiver. Text above reads "4 things you should know before you contact college coaches.

Nobody likes wasting their time and college coaches are no exception. So when you start to contact college coaches, be sure that you are prepared. If nothing else, what sort of impression do you think you make when the coach has to inform you of basic facts regarding the school or finds out that you … Read more

What Happens to People Who Go To Colleges No One Has Ever Heard Of?

statue of woman of thinking about what happens to people who go to colleges no one has ever heard of

I think that there are a lot of families out there that would like to drop out of the race to get into the most prestigious college possible. They know that there are good reasons to look elsewhere. With seemingly ever decreasing admission rates among the brand name schools, the numbers are against you. And financially, … Read more