Looking for a list of colleges that…?

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If you’re planning to create a college list, take a look at some existing lists before starting. It’s possible that you’ll find a couple that can save you a lot of time. If nothing else, a quick perusal might generate some new ideas or bring up some issues you hadn’t considered. Best of all-most of the lists are free.

College Lists

Woman looking for college lists on compuster

Looking to create a college list? Before you reinvent the wheel, take a look at the college lists here. If you have something you think I should add, let me know. Free Lists for Newsletter Subscribers Subscribe Here Colleges that Meet 100% of Need Colleges Sponsoring National Merit Scholarships State Flagship Listing Colleges with Free … Read more

College Baseball Recruiting Timeline

Planner representing college baseball recruiting timeline

When looking at this recruiting timeline, keep in mind this is geared for baseball players. In many ways, your senior high school baseball season will not count. The majority of coaches (not all) will have already filled their recruit classes for the following year (your college freshman year). Depending on the division and conference (think … Read more

Is it too late to get recruited for college baseball if you are already a senior?

No. It may not be ideal but it’s still possible. Even if you have already graduated from high school, it’s not too late. Between the MLB draft pulling players from teams to players at the D3 level not receiving enough financial aid to attend the college, there are plenty of reasons why it’s not too … Read more

Strength and Conditioning for Incoming College Freshman Student Athletes

If you read any books on college athletic recruiting, you’ll come across a section that discusses the biggest surprises to new college athletes coming from high school. I can’t think of a single one that doesn’t mention the dramatically harder strength and conditioning programs. In fact, I’m willing to bet it would come in first … Read more