FAQ: What is a 3-2 engineering program?

student in front of college asking What is a 3-2 engineering program?

A 3-2 program commonly refers to a dual degree program in Engineering and Liberal Arts that is completed by attending two different institutions.  Students spend their first three years attending a college without an engineering program, usually a Liberal Arts College. The last two years are completed at an institution with an engineering program and … Read more

FAQ: What is a suitcase school?

Student in front of college asking What is a suitcase school?

A suitcase school is college that is a predominately residential campus, unlike a commuter school, but where a significant percentage of students go home for the weekend. Suitcase schools tend to be less selective and have a majority of students who live in a close travel radius to the school.

FAQ: What is self-help financial aid?

Student in front of college asking What is self-help financial aid?

Self-help financial aid is aid that the student earns through work or is required to pay back. Student loans and work-study are both self-help aid. Many colleges build their financial aid award starting with self-help aid. Problems can occur when the institution doesn’t meet the student’s full-financial need, often referred to as “gapping.”

FAQ: What is financial aid gapping?

Student in front of college asking What is financial aid gapping?

A financial aid gap occurs when a college’s financial aid award for a student doesn’t meet the student’s financial need as defined by the college. This unmet need is referred to as the gap. Gapping became a verb as some colleges have earned a reputation for failing to meet student need, especially students admitted with … Read more