Do College Rankings Matter?

The Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis has done everyone a favor. It has a table that displays all of the undergraduate institutions of students who have attended the school. Don’t get it? US News and World Report ranks Washington University as one of the top medical schools in the country. And you … Read more

DIY College Rankings College Softball Recruiting Resources

This is a guide to the website resources for college softball recruiting. Spreadsheets DIY College Rankings Softball Spreadsheet Spreadsheet with over 1600 four and two-year institutions that have softball programs. College Application Tracking Spreadsheet (free) Spreadsheet to track your college application deadlines. Just sign-up for the up-dates using the box to the left. Posts

DIY College Rankings College Baseball Recruiting Resources

This is a guide to the website resources for college baseball recruiting. Spreadsheets DIY College Rankings Baseball Spreadsheet Spreadsheet with over 1500 four and two-year institutions that have baseball programs. College Application Tracking Spreadsheet (free) Spreadsheet to track your college application deadlines. Just sign-up for the up-dates using the box to the left. Posts Save … Read more

How I Created My Own College Rankings

Every ambitious high school student getting ready to apply to college knows about the US News College Rankings. And probably every parent of an ambitious high school student knows the flaws of the rankings–or at least they should. So now it’s all about “fit.” There are plenty of books to educate you on the importance … Read more

It Takes More Than Rankings to Find Good Colleges

Person looking out of computer screen for good colleges

Why? Because it all depends on how you define good colleges. And that’s the problem. How do you know what makes a college “good?” Are good colleges the ones where the good students go? After all, the colleges that admit only a small percentage of students with high GPAs and college test scores are the … Read more

How to Pay Less for College: The Value of Rankings

In my last post, I talked about how even colleges are subjected to the laws of supply and demand. The more students want to attend a college, the more the college can charge. If you want to pay less for college, you need to consider colleges with higher acceptance rates. Now I want to look … Read more

50-50 Highlights: Colleges in the Top 100 of PayScale College Salary Rankings

Another week and another set of college rankings-must be back to school time. This week PayScale released its College Salary Report. As far as rankings go, it has several features to recommend it. The primary advantage is that it really is exclusively focused on outcomes. No national reputation score, no attempts to measure the qualities … Read more

The College Baseball Spreadsheet

Baseball scoreboard representing college baseball spreadsheet with all 2 and 4-year programs

0 shares Share0 Share +10 Tweet0 Pin0 Share0 Too Many Players Worry About Colleges Finding Them… What They Need is to Find the Colleges that Will Recruit Them! How to find the colleges that will recruit you to play baseballThe fundamental fact of college baseball recruiting is that you can’t be recruited if the coach … Read more